Debitum Investments April – accomplished and statistics

  • One new loan originator – Juno Finance – has joined Debitum Investments. Debitum Notes have been issued and are available for investments in Juno Finance.
  • Debitum Investments team have participated in the biggest investor venue in Germany – INVEST 2024 in Stuttgart Messe, and venue for institutional investors “What’s up digital lending?” in Frankfurt.
Assets in the platform
  • 83 ABSs and Secured Notes with 277 loans
  • New assets placed in the platform – 1 690 000 EUR
  • Money invested – 2 450 957 EUR
  • Assets under management increased to – 15 480 362 EUR
  • New deposits – 1 452 059 EUR
  • The total funds deposited on the platform reached 25 730 725 EUR
  • The total amount of invested funds – 88 907 611 EUR
  • 1 298 167 euros were repaid to investors in principal and interest
  • The total repaid amount reached 71 949 690 EUR
  • All repayments in April were done in time (including 7 days grace period)
  • 555 new investors joined the platform thus increasing Debitum Investments community to 14 214 participants
Interest rates
  • The average interest rate in the previous month was – 12.74% p.a
  • All-time platform XIRR (calculated from 99.9% of all investors) maintained high – 14.48%

* Debitum reminds – your earnings may be higher or lower than expected. Investing puts your capital at risk. Any indicated return does not guarantee the same future performance.

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